Dream Intrepretations - Two that bother most

When I had the dream about Henry Ford, which I turned into a novel...I knew I had to learn about dreams.
I traveled to the closest dream interpretation school (World Headquarters College of Metaphysics Windyville, Missouri 65783 • (417) 345-8411 http://www.som.org/NewPages/Newsite07/ContactUS.html and learned a host of new ideas that enabled me since to interpret my own dreams.  Added to that I've read numerous books on the subject and journal daily jotting down my own dreams thus interpreting each one.  Many a family member and friends frequently ask me what this or that represents.

Here are two of the many subjects that come up frequently that cause a great deal of angst to the dreamer.

  • Death....Most of us wake afraid that so-in-so a close relative died in your dream and surely that means something will happen to that person.  Let me assure you that dreaming of death in a dream almost always and without a doubt interprets that you - no one else - is going through changes in your life.  Think about this...when someone does die in real life and sadly we all do...doesn't that mean that for that person's family changes certainly do and must occur?  Right?  Of course their lives change because that person is no longer with them.  Thus in the dream world when we dream of Self or others dieing it merely means changes.  
  • In the language of the mind it simply means change, a change from one state of mind to another.  (What’s changed in your life recently?  What ended and what new beginning might frighten you?)  This is just the way the subconscious lends itself to help the sleeping mind cure, if you will, the unknown thoughts of the previous day or a recent event.
          Before you begin your day pause...think about the dream you just had, write it down to capture all you dreamt of.  Second, what in your day to day life is changing or about to change?  Your subconscious does not rest when you sleep, however it serves to enlighten you.  Sometimes it just goes over what was pressing on your mind just before you drifted off to sleep and other times it gives you a dream about death, in this instance.  What is about to change?  A job, a marriage, a new baby?  Just remember death in a dream is like life, it just means change.

  • New Life.....A new baby....this is similar to death above in that with a new baby ones life changes dramatically.  I should know as the mother of four.  Just because you have a dream of a baby it doesn't mean you will have one.  Nor does it mean the person you dreamt of, if not you, means they will have one. It does for sure mean changes are imminent.  Perhaps you want a baby and haven't been able to have one....then it means it has been on your mind or in the subconscious mind to be sure, therefore the dream. 
          Just remember with both life and death dreams....the simple interpretation is that change is on the horizon.